the older i get, the more people disappoint me. i am thankful to be a dog, where at least i can remove myself from the "i" people. the people who begin every sentence with "i" or "me"; the people who start and end every conversation with what their life is, v. actually taking the time to ask the other person a question about themselves. and then, when you actually the rare person who is, for that split second, not so self absorbed that they actually DO ask you about yourself, while you are answering their question, they go right back to how they are going to resume talking about themselves, or how they can relate your story to themselves and their own lives, v. god forbid, actually asking you a second question about yourself. kind of like that one question they asked was all they could muster up, the gratuitous "how are you", before they could get back into their own little self absorbed world of talking about themselves. i wonder if my owner stopped asking people questions if they would actually just stop calling her. maybe she should try it as an experiment. i think she is worried she may not actually end up with a very very small group of friends or people that she communicates with, but i personally think she may be better off. but what do i know, i am only a dog. i think she needs to try it for a week as an experiment.
i sure am glad i am a dog....